Turnover & Performance

The link among turnover and organizational performance isn’t clear (though it would look understandable that sacking an unskilled employee would be a positive). 
The problem is that what might be a positive in individual cases becomes a negative when the employer repeatedly loses employees.

A study accomplishes that all turnover, voluntary or involuntary, is linked with reduced organizational performance. The researchers say, “Organizations must recognize that when turnover rates rise, their workforce and financial performances are at risk. They should search for strategies to mitigate and eliminate turnover, recognizing that lower turnover [of all types] is always better.”

A study evaluated the tangible and intangible costs of turnover in a call center with 31 agents and 4 supervisors. Tangible costs related with an employee’s leaving included the costs of recruiting, screening, interviewing, and testing applicants, as well as the cost of wages while the new employee was oriented and trained. Intangible costs included the cost of lost productivity for the new agent (who is less productive at first), the cost of rework for the new agent’s errors, and the supervisory cost for coaching the new agent.

The researchers’ calculations estimated the cost of an agent leaving at about $21,551. This call center averaged

18.6 vacancies per year (about a 60% turnover rate). Therefore, the researchers estimated the total annual cost of agent turnover at $400,853. Taking steps to cut this turnover rate in, say, half could save this firm about $200,000 per year.

References: -

Sabry, M. (2017). Managing employee turnover and Retention. [online] Available at: https://mohamed-sabry.com/blog/managing-employee-turnover-and-retention/ [Accessed 23 Feb. 2020].


  1. How To Reduce Employee Turnover
    Hire The Right People. Keeping employees starts with hiring the right employees. ...
    Offer Competitive Pay And Benefits. People want to be compensated well. ...
    Give Praise. Your employees need encouragement and recognition. ...
    Show The Career Path. ...
    Allow Flexible Work Schedules.

    1. Its true that the facts that you mentioned are very much important to reduce the employee turnover.

  2. As per academic studies, employee turnover and organizational performance negative relationship, so it is not clear why you say that relationship is not clear?

    1. As mentioned in the article the problem is that what might be a positive in individual cases becomes a negative when the employer repeatedly loses employees.

  3. That's right employees have their demands if they have other opportunities in the job market. (wages, loans, increments, promotions etc.). The company or management has to keep their competitive work related issues with them for honour and other compensation matters. If they are loosing balance between treatment vs goals no one can't stop harming company turn over leading business opportunity lost.

    1. It is very much important to manage turnover with the performance

  4. Replies
    1. Yes of course lot of companies fail to improve the relationship between turnover & performance

  5. Turnover negatively affects organizational performance because of a loss of organizational memory as well as a loss of the knowledge, skills and abilities that employees have developed through experience and training

    1. Also that all turnover, voluntary or involuntary, is linked with reduced organizational performance

  6. I agree! Turnovers drastically affects the organizational performance negatively because of a loss of organizational memory as well as a loss of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the employee have developed through experience and training .

    1. Also to reach new recruits a huge cost will be affected. Tangible costs related with an employee’s leaving included the costs of recruiting, screening, interviewing, and testing applicants, as well as the cost of wages while the new employee was oriented and trained.

  7. Most leaders do not focus on turnover until it is already a problem. As the economy slowly continues to recover, surveys are telling us that a larger number of employees are likely to seek out a job in a different organization over the next year.

    1. Very true, turnover cost the performance of the company

  8. Prospective article to study turnover cost and the performance


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